Pavo KNX

Room temperature controller with LCD brightness and secondary temperature probes

Product Code: K.PAV.01R.20B.WO


The room temperature controller PAVO KNX is a KNX S-mode device for the independent temperature regulation of a room or a zone in a building. In combination with one or more KNX actuators, the room temperature controller is able to control the heating and cooling emission of a series of terminal units for the thermal exchange (such as radiators, fan-coils, foor and ceiling radiant panels, etc.). The device is provided with a LC-display with adjustable backlight, sensors for temperature and brightness measuring and two freely confgurable inputs for the connection of e.g. window contacts or temperature secondary sensors. The device is equipped with an integrated KNX bus communication module and is designed for wall installation on a fush mounting box. For controlling the room temperature controller functions the integrated 2-fold pushbutton is used. It is provided with four LED for each channel programmable e.g. as status feedback or orientation nightlight. The device is powered by the KNX bus line and does not require any auxiliary power supply.


· Temperature and brightness measuring through integrated sensors with possibility of sending the value on the bus

· 2-point (on/off) or proportional (PWM or continuous) room temperature regulation

· Ventilation control with continuous or 3-speed regulation

· Seasonal modes: heating and cooling with possibility of local or via bus seasonal changeover

· Operating modes: comfort, standby, economy and building protection with different setpoint for heating and cooling

· Manual or automatic control of fan-coil units with 2 or 4-pipes hydraulic distribution

· Automatic switching of the operating modes depending on presence or window opening

· Weighted average of two temperature values with secondary temperature probe

· Temperature displaying (measured, setpoint and outdoor values as °C or °F), alarms and errors (with alphanumeric coding)

· Floor temperature limitation and antincondensation (for radiant panels)

· Antistratifcation function

· Automatic switching between operating modes through card holder contact

· Delayed start of a fan ("hot-start") with time-scheduling or depending on the water temperature measured at the coil for thermal Exchange (with secondary temperature probe)

· Window opening reporting

· Two confgurable input as digital or analogic